Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Re-Designed and Re-Launched NegativePop.Com

My apologies for the lack of blog posts in the last month. I have been hard at work trying to complete a major update to my website. NegativePop.Com, my portfolio website, has finally been re-designed and re-launched.  I have been a Graphic Designer, Photographer, and Web Designer for over the past 11 years. Digital Art has been my passion, and the time has come for me to take my creativity to a higher level. I invite everyone to please visit and review my works. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did in creating them.

Please stay tuned! I have a lot more photography and designs to come in the near future. Currently I'm entertaining all related employment and business inquiries. Opportunities for Event, Cosplay, and Modeling Photography Shoots are welcomed.

I leave you with a poster I recently created for the Brooklyn RobotWorks. It features my photography, and a pretty cool looking Autobot symbol I created from scratch. Please take a look at the creations of the Brooklyn RobotWorks. They're quite amazing!

Brooklyn Bumblebee

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